How to Choose a Car Rack for Your Next Australian Getaway

Planning your next Australian getaway will be a lot easier if you properly haul your gears, luggage, or tent to the top of the car. With that, how to choose a car rack is important for secured multiple attachments and camp accessories.

Just imagine how many add-ons you can place on a rack. However, with plenty of options in the market today, it’s daunting to choose the best rack for your car. Here’s a guide on choosing the best roof rack for your camping needs.

Car roof and back rack for bicycles

How to choose a car rack

A well-built rack can last long after that weekend camping excursions. There are various factors to consider when purchasing the right rack that fits your car. How to choose a car rack? Here are some tips to you get started.

Know your purpose

Roof racks are generally useful in carrying heavy equipment. Perhaps getting a glimpse into your lifestyle will help you decide. Do you always go on a road trip? Even if you aren’t so, any trip would mean a significant amount of bags that are hard to fit on your trunk. If you’re with your family, an extension like a rack can help boot up space on your car.

  • Can place extra luggage when you’re on a holiday
  • Attach pieces of equipment like surfboards, kayaks, canoes, and etc.
  • Can attach bicycles for mountain cycling activities
  • Used for rooftop tent and awnings camping

Check the weight

A bulky and clunky car rack will add weight and pressure on your car. This added load will burden your tires and fuel economy in the long run – leading to burst wheels and heavy gas consumption. Imagine this scenario: a heavy rack, plus added roof load, inside car items, and family (or friends!) inside the car.

Heavy, right? Choose a car rack that will secure and distribute weight evenly with your car’s.

Man securing his canoe on the car rack

Wide range of uses

The best rack can be used for a wide range of purposes like canoes, rooftop tent, bikes, water cans, extra luggage, and more. A rack that gives you more reasons to put a lot of accessories, unlocks endless camping possibilities.

Has various forms and assembly

How do you want your roof rack? Easy assemblage and customization add convenience to the user. Would you like to construct a full rack platform or easily change an accidental impairment? Modular racks are the best examples as you can easily modify some parts to your needs.


Make sure your rack can withstand harsh conditions on the road. If you’re planning to go through winter camping or across the backcountry, a cheap quality rack might not be enough to hold your items and accessories. What will happen if it breaks off during your excursions? Choose a car rack that will stand the test of time.

Old man securing luggage on car rack

How to take care of your car rack

So, you bought a shiny, new roof rack. Do you know how to care for it? Quality car racks don’t come cheap. You need regular maintenance to avoid getting it damaged by environmental forces or ignorance. Here are tips for taking care of your rack.

Regular cleaning and inspection

Inspect your rack for any signs of cracks and tear. You don’t want to see your items rolling on the roadside, do you? Clean your rack regularly with soapy water. Dry the rack before attaching it back on your car’s roof.

Woman securing her bike on the car rack

Learn how to pack and load well

Pack your equipment well and against the off-road and wind resistance. Your items should be balanced well according to your vehicle’s capacity. Check for extra height and length that exceeds the dimensions of the car. Also, remember not to overload your camping accessories that would add weight to the car’s bulk.

Lubricate bolts and inspect for corrosion

Camping in the beach, lakeside, or creekside, can put you in an environment at risk of bolt, screw, and washer corrosion. Make sure to lubricate these parts before going on a holiday. Meanwhile, replace all parts with corrosion. Putting them back into the rack will only make your items vulnerable to be blown away.

Call your insurance company

Check with your agent if damaged roof racks are covered by your policy. Most companies considered this as an addition or modification, thus, requiring you to pay more. Nevertheless, there are insurance organizations that accept damaged roof racks as part of your policy.

Have a pro inspect it

Unless you’re an expert in rack inspection, it’s better to have your roof rack checked by a professional mechanic. You might miss something important out when you’re inspecting the rack. Meanwhile, a pro will audit everything on your vehicle’s performance and how you can rectify it.

You can find more tips when servicing your vehicle all-in-all.

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